Therefore, as a public service, or a personal indulgence, I created this master list, which will be updated as necessary & warranted. It is a living, breathing document (much like our Constitution.)
So, without further ado:
(From the home office in Moose, Wyoming)

I stand by my recommendations.

He brings nothing of value to this world whatsoever and a population of illiterate trash worship him. Proof that hateful snark sells and horrible people succeed.

Evidence you can't buy class at any price.

Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly. The man is blissfully unravaged by the burden of intelligence. I suggest we sent him to Plum Island as a lab specimen ( you know, give him the deal Clarisse Starling offered Hannibal.) Free falafel and loofahs.

I simply don't get the appeal.

Why are you here? What do you do?
Why are you famous? Why do you have a TV show?
Who watches that crap?

Paging DR. PHIL! Paging DR. PHIL!
Please report to obscurity - STAT!

Everyone from ORANGE COUNTY, NEW YORK and ATLANTA (and now NEW JERSEY!) as well as any and all people involved in the production and glorification of these people, their lifestyles and their television programs need to be punished mercilessly. Bravo, indeed.

He's omnipresent - please go away and take all the TV shows you've produced and all the losers profiled on said programs.
Seacrest: GET OUT!

Isn't there some sort of retirement home for the irrelevant, clueless, rambling talk show hosts who can't manage a coherent interview?

The forgotten outcast. In lieu of having previously requested the banishment of someone... I'll take this opportunity to dedicate #11 to HE-WHO-SHALL-NOT-BE-NAMED. Please, feel free to write in your own candidate for excommunication from the civilized world (I have one in mind personally.)

Or P-Diddy. Or Puff Daddy. Or Sean John. Or Diddy. Or Sean Combs.
All of them - go!

Visions of beating her mercilessly with sugarplums dance in my head.
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